Talk map
This is the map of the places where I have given a talk.
This is the map of the places where I have given a talk.
Talks, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Rome, Italy
A talk about the newest NNLO and N3LO NNPDF PDFs with theory uncertainties
Talks, University of Rome 'La Sapienza', physics department, Rome, Italy
A seminar about theory errors in PDF fitting performed with machine learning techniques.
Talks, ECT, Trento, Italy
A talk about strong coupling extraction with simulated data from EIC future collider.
Talks, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
A seminar about theory errors in PDF fitting performed with machine learning techniques.
Talks, ECT, Trento, Italy
A seminar about Neural Networks techniques applied to parton distribution functions evaluation.
Talks, University of Durham, physics department, Durham, UK
A presentation of this new set of tools for the computation of QFT theory predictions.
Talks, University of Durham, physics department, Durham, UK
A brief discussion about how theory errors can be included in PDF fits and why they should be.
Talks, University of Montpellier, physics department, Montpellier, France
A brief discussion about how theory errors can be included in PDF fits and why they should be.
Talks, University of Milan, physics department, Milan, Italy
A brief discussion about how theory errors can be included in PDF fits and why they should be.
Talks, University of Milan, physics department, Milan, Italy
A talk about the topic of my master thesis: the resummation to all orders of the mass logarthms in DIS and the proposal of a new scheme to include them.